
Версия от 13:48, 18 ноября 2016; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (Уровни компетенции)

Лидерство (Leadership) - способность вдохновлять и мотивировать команду на успешное выполнение работ и достижение поставленных целей.

Для того, чтобы каждый человек занял своё место на логистическом “конвейере” (ибо если какие-то места на этом “конвейере” не будут заполнены людьми, то необходимые на этом рабочем месте работы не будут произведены), нужно его “уговорить” специалисту по менеджерской дисциплине “лидерство” (leadership).

Лидер выполняет работы, которые можно описать двояко (помним, что это два разных описания одной и той же деятельности):

  • Убалтывает исполнителей ролей команды играть в этой команде необходимые роли (убалтывает путать “личное” и “общественное”).
  • Осмысляет жизнь исполнителей ролей тем, что они приносят стейкхолдерам пользу, их жизнь и работа имеют значение для окружающих.

Уровни компетенции

OMG Essence определяет следующие уровни компетенции "Лидерство" и контрольные вопросы для проверки каждого уровня:

Уровень Level Описание уровня Контрольные вопросы
1 Внедряет новшества Innovates A recognized expert, able to extend the concepts to new contexts and inspire others. ❑ Has many years of experience and is currently up to date in what is happening within the domain.

❑ Is recognized as an expert by his or her peers.

❑ Supports others in working on a complex professional level.

❑ Knows when to innovate or do something different and when to follow normal procedure.

❑ Develops innovative and effective solutions to the current challenges within the domain.

2 Адаптируется Adapts Able to apply judgment on when and how to apply the concepts to more complex contexts. Can enable others to apply the concepts. ❑ Is able to satisfy complex demands and work requirements.

❑ Is able to communicate with others working outside the domain.

❑ Can direct and help others working within the domain.

❑ Is able to adapt his or her way-of-working to work well with others, both inside and outside their domain.

3 Руководит Masters Able to apply the concepts in most contexts and has the experience to work without supervision. ❑ Is able to satisfy most demands and work requirements.

❑ Is able to speak the domain language with ease and accuracy.

❑ Is able to communicate and explain his or her work

❑ Is able to give and receive constructive feedback

❑Knows the limits of his or her capability and when to call on more expert advice.

❑Works at a professional level with little or no guidance.

4 Действует Applies Able to apply the concepts in simple contexts by routinely applying the experience gained so far. ❑ Is able to collaborate with others within the Team

❑ Is able to satisfy routine demands and simple work requirements.

❑ Can handle simple challenges with confidence.

❑ Can handle simple work requirements but needs help in handling any complications or difficulties.

❑ Is able to reason about the context and draw sensible conclusions.

5 Принимает участие Assists Demonstrates a basic understanding of the concepts and can follow instructions. ❑ Understands and conducts his or her self in a professional manner.

❑ Is able to correctly respond to basic questions within his or her domain.

❑ Is able to perform most basic functions within the domain.

❑ Can follow instructions and complete basic tasks.